Cru cial Cau se Be li ev er s

Crucial Cause Believers

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

About Crucial Cause Believers

We Bring People Together
to Make our community Roads Safe

The rate at which over-speeding vehicle accidents have caused several injuries, loss of properties and more painfully loss of lives on our community neighborhood roads is indeed very heart breaking. Every concerned individual or organisation will think of possible ways to contribute by providing a solution to assist the government in protecting and preserving lives.

We are a non-governmental organization that work with indigenous production partners to produce lifesaving gargets we place in all locations that the functional SPEED CAMERAS does not currently occupy.

Benefits of Giving

Bring More Meaning to Your Life & Family

Your financial donation will go a very long way in assisting us to achieve our vision of mass production and mass deployment of our new speed camera decoy on all community neighborhood roads in Canada.


Improve Self-Esteem

There is a sense of fulfilment you experience when you know you contributed to save a life.


Our Roads Become Safer

Road accidents will be reduced drastically. Lives will be preserved.


Financial Benefits

Billions of dollars spent annually on vehicle insurance and premium can be diverted on productive thinking and developmental projects for nation building.


You will be identified as a believer

Your name amongst others will be listed as a believer of our project. You will definitely share in our joy!

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