Cru cial Cau se Be li ev er s

Crucial Cause Believers

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

About Us

Believer’s Desk

We Bring People Together
to Make Canada Roads Safe

The rate at which over-speeding vehicle accidents have caused several injuries, loss of properties and more painfully loss of lives on our community neighborhood roads is indeed very heart breaking. Every concerned individual or organisation will think of possible ways to contribute by providing a solution to assist the government in protecting and preserving lives.

We are a non-governmental organization that work with indigenous production partners to produce lifesaving gargets we place in all locations that the functional SPEED CAMERAS does not currently occupy...Read more

Join Us to Save Lives on Our Roads!

We Are Believers!!

  • Road
  • Accidents
  • Memorials
  • 2024

This is in memory of persons who died suddenly and unexpectedly on the road, away from home.

To all families, friends and associates of victims of this sad incident, may God grant you the fortitude to bear the lost. May their gentle soul, rest in peace.


Our Mission

To create safety consciousness on the Canada roads while preserving lives and properties.


Our Vision

To create support mechanism to assist the Canada government in the reduction effort of road accidents and fatalities caused by over speeding vehicle drivers.


Our Goal

To mass produce and mass distribute speed camera decoy across community neighborhood roads in Canada in order to drastically reduce the rate at which vehicle drivers over speeds.


Our Motivation

To honor the dead and living victims and also the victims' family members of over-speeding vehicle accidents in Canada by creating speed awareness device solution to drastically reduce the further vehicle accidents occurrence by using our speed camera decoy as a voice for over-speeding caution.

Our Contribution

Our SCD Installation plan in other Countries

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